Eating Disorders

A Safe Space

Sunol Hills’ Eating Disorder program provides 24/7 residential treatment care to adolescents & adults struggling with eating disorders. Our comprehensive treatment program utilizes a variety of therapeutic modalities including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), mindfulness activities and movement such as yoga and scenic walks, group and individual therapy sessions, nutrition education, and offers the therapeutic space to focus on recovery. Our team is composed of psychiatrists, medical physicians, registered dietitians, psychotherapists, nurses, and mental health workers who work together to provide quality care to patients and their families. In addition to daily therapy, we encourage patients to challenge their eating disorders through utilization of exposure snack outings, meal outings, and scheduling family meals and snacks, both at the facility and outside of the facility. We welcome all genders at all of our treatment locations.

Sunol Hills treatment programs can accommodate up to 2 NG tube clients in each location. Please give us a call to learn more.

Chef-Prepared Meals

Comfortable, Homelike Setting

NG tube feeds

Supportive, Specialized Care w On Site Nursing

Peaceful Garden and Outdoor Spaces

Weekly Doctor and Psychiatrist Visits

At Sunol Hills, our comfortable
homelike setting provides patients with the safe, therapeutic space they need to focus on
their recovery.